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Upcoming events at D-PHYS
Please communicate upcoming events to your administrative office for inclusion into the bulletin. Please direct questions concerning D-PHYS events to wobu@phys.ethz.ch
Tue 1.04.2025 Add to calendar |
11:30-13:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT F 31.1 |
Seminar in Theoretical Physics | Host: Pagni | |
Kiryl Pakrouski (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) "Many-body scars, BCS wavefunction and unconventional pairing" Abstract https://blogs.ethz.ch/lowenergydiscussions |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
8:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 |
Symposium: Quantum Correlated Condensed and Synthetic Matter | Host: D-PHYS | |
Samuel Garratt (University of California Berkeley, USA) "QCCSM: Learning to observe quantum collapse" |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
9:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 |
Symposium: Quantum Correlated Condensed and Synthetic Matter | Host: D-PHYS | |
Federica Surace (California Institute of Technology, USA) "QCCSM: Exploring quantum many-body dynamics with quantum simulation" |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
10:15 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 |
Symposium: Quantum Correlated Condensed and Synthetic Matter | Host: D-PHYS | |
Alexander Schuckert (University of Maryland, USA) "QCCSM: Simulating Nature with Fermion-Boson Quantum Computers" |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
11:15 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 |
Symposium: Quantum Correlated Condensed and Synthetic Matter | Host: D-PHYS | |
Valentin Crepel (Flatiron Institute (Simons Foundation), USA) "QCCSM: Building condensed matter quantum simulators from stacks and twists" |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
12:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT F 23.2 |
COPL 101 Lunch Seminar | ||
Klara Hlouchova (Charles University in Prague) "Why these amino acids?" https://copl.ethz.ch/events/details.why-these-amino-acids.73653.html |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
13:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 |
Symposium: Quantum Correlated Condensed and Synthetic Matter | Host: D-PHYS | |
Marin Bukov (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany) "QCCSM: Understanding synthetic matter engineered using periodic drives: a quantum geometric approach" |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Kerstin Treydte (WSL) "Oxygen isotopes in tree rings as atmospheric moisture proxies" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Caroline Dorn | |
Eve J. Lee (UC San Diego) "Small planet formation" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
18:00-19:30 including apéro |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HCI J 498 |
WiNS | Host: WiNS | |
WiNS (D-CHAB, D-BIOL, D-MATL, D-PHYS) "Biohack Your Career: Embodied Human Skills for Future-Proof Leadership" Abstract https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCff_s9wDKmEI7_GjGtAUgkejy5F-lFzFUepJmbImo2MIuZQ/viewform?usp=dialog |
Thu 3.04.2025 Add to calendar |
8:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 |
Symposium: Quantum Correlated Condensed and Synthetic Matter | Host: D-PHYS | |
Siddharth A. Parameswaran (University of Oxford, UK) "QCCSM: New Twists in the Tale of Strong Correlations" |
Thu 3.04.2025 Add to calendar |
9:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 |
Symposium: Quantum Correlated Condensed and Synthetic Matter | Host: D-PHYS | |
Raquel Queiroz (Columbia University, USA) "QCCSM: Quantum geometry: how to picture bound electrons in periodic lattices" |
Thu 3.04.2025 Add to calendar |
10:15 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 |
Symposium: Quantum Correlated Condensed and Synthetic Matter | Host: D-PHYS | |
Cenke Xu (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA) "QCCSM: Shaved by Occam’s Razor: the Minimal Fractional Topological Insulator" |
Fri 4.04.2025 Add to calendar |
10:45-12:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Condensed Matter Physics Seminar | Host: Imamoglu | |
Patrick Knüppel (University of Basel, Quantum Sensing Lab) "Tunable Topology and Correlated States in Twisted Homobilayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides" Abstract |
Mon 7.04.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 Coffee & Cookies |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT J 43.1 |
CosmoClub Seminar | Host: Cosmology Group | |
Sambit Giri (University of Groningen) "Reionization" https://cosmology.ethz.ch/seminars/cosmoclub.html |
Wed 9.04.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Silvan Wigger (LIP) "Boron-10 suppression in low energy Beryllium-10 AMS" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Fri 11.04.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 Registration by Thursday, 14:30. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Bellavista |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "Bellavista Faculty lunch (members only, registration required)" |
Fri 11.04.2025 Add to calendar |
12:30 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum NO D 45 |
COPL 101 Lunch Seminar | ||
Audrey Vorburger (Universität Bern) "The Search for Life in the Outer Solar System" https://copl.ethz.ch/events/details.the-search-for-life-in-the-outer-solar-system.73654.html |
Tue 15.04.2025 Add to calendar |
17:00-19:00 Free pizza and drinks |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
AMP | ||
AMP "AMP Elections (General Assembly)" Abstract |
Wed 16.04.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Dominik Koll (Dresden Univ. of Technology) "Interstellar Radionuclide Deposition on Earth: When, Where and How Much?" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 16.04.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Ben Kilminster | |
Rainer Wallny, Gino Isidori (ETHZ, UZH) "Quo Vadis High Energy Particle Physics - The Update of the European Strategy by CERN" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Fri 25.04.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 Registration by Thursday, 14:30. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Bellavista |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "Bellavista Faculty lunch (members only, registration required)" |
Mon 28.04.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 Coffee & Cookies |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT J 43.1 |
CosmoClub Seminar | Host: Cosmology Group | |
Davide Racco (ETH Zurich & UZH) "Cosmology of the QCD axion as a dark matter candidate" https://cosmology.ethz.ch/seminars/cosmoclub.html |
Wed 30.04.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 Special Condensed Matter Seminar |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Condensed Matter Physics Seminar | Host: Imamoglu | |
Hakan Tureci (Princeton, USA) "Computing with Physical Systems: Opportunities and Fundamental Limits" Abstract |
Wed 30.04.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
David Frank (Univ. of Arizona) "tba" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 30.04.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Tomas Bzdusek | |
Ana Akrap (University of Zagreb, Croatia) "Landau level spectroscopy & topological materials" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Fri 2.05.2025 Add to calendar |
10:45-12:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Special Condensed Matter Seminar | Host: Imamoglu | |
Ben Feldman (Stanford Physics Department, Stanford University, California, USA) "Mapping topological and magnetic transitions in semiconductor moiré materials" Abstract |
Mon 5.05.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 Coffee & Cookies |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT J 43.1 |
CosmoClub Seminar | Host: Cosmology Group | |
Stefano Camera (University of Turin) "Novel and combined observables, non-gaussianities & relativistic effects, radio cosmic shear, gamma rays x (clustering,lensing), Euclid, Meerkat, SKAO, LISA" https://cosmology.ethz.ch/seminars/cosmoclub.html |
Wed 7.05.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Aaron Lehnert (Univ. of Hannover) "Blue light, what does it do? – Updates on resonant ionisation mass spectrometry" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 7.05.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Tilman Esslinger | |
Nathan Goldman (Collège de France, Intern. Solvay Inst and Univ Libre de Bruxelles) "Correlated topological matter: news and views from quantum simulation" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Fri 9.05.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Condensed Matter Physics Seminar | Host: Atac Imamoglu | |
Xiaodong Xu (University of Washington, Dept. of Physics) "Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect" Abstract |
Fri 9.05.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 Registration by Thursday, 14:30. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Bellavista |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "Bellavista Faculty lunch (members only, registration required)" |
Fri 9.05.2025 Add to calendar |
12:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT F 23.2 |
COPL 101 Lunch Seminar | ||
Lucie Rosset (LATMOS, France) "Modeling Titan's climate: the methane cycle" https://copl.ethz.ch/events/details.modeling-titans-climate-the-methane-cycle.73655.html |
Mon 12.05.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 Coffee & Cookies |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT J 43.1 |
CosmoClub Seminar | Host: Cosmology Group | |
Caroline Guandaline (University of Edinburgh) "GR effects" https://cosmology.ethz.ch/seminars/cosmoclub.html |
Tue 13.05.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Host: Huber | ||
D-PHYS (BK members only) "D-PHYS Betriebskommission" |
Wed 14.05.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Claudia Cancellieri (EMPA) "Characterization of thin oxides and their interfaces with ion beam techniques" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 14.05.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Alexander Eichler | |
Gary Steele (Quantum Nanosc. Dept. Delft Univ of Techn., Kavli Inst of Nanosc. Delf) "Parametric Phenomena in Superconducting Quantum Devices" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Thu 15.05.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Refreshments after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Zentrum HG E 3 |
ITS Kolloquium | Host: Pandharipande | |
Peter Bühlmann (ETH Zürich) "Perturbation Data Science" Abstract https://eth-its.ethz.ch/activities/its-science-colloquium.html |
Fri 16.05.2025 Add to calendar |
12:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT F 23.2 |
COPL 101 Lunch Seminar | ||
Dongyang Huang (Peking University (PKU) - Beijing) "Sequestration of volatiles into cores of rocky planets" https://copl.ethz.ch/events/details.sequestration-of-volatiles-into-cores-of-rocky-planets.73940.html |
Mon 19.05.2025 Add to calendar |
10:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 41.1 |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS (RK members only) "D-PHYS Raumkommission (New room HIT E 41.1)" |
Mon 19.05.2025 Add to calendar |
13:00-18:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 41.1 |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS (members only) "D-PHYS Ausschuss" |
Tue 20.05.2025 Add to calendar |
9:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg TBC |
D-PHYS | Host: Quanz | |
D-PHYS (SK members only) "D-PHYS Strategiekommission" |
Wed 21.05.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Marcel Scheiwiller (LIP) "Changes of circulation timescales and mixing in the Fram Strait from 2016 to 2021" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 21.05.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Chaoxin Ding | |
Denis Bandurin (National University of Singapore) "Teratronics in the flatland" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Thu 22.05.2025 Add to calendar |
16:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
D-PHYS | Host: Scalari & Crivelli | |
D-PHYS (members only) "D-PHYS Safety Council Meeting" |
Fri 23.05.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00-13:30 Lunch by registration only. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS (Professors) "Professor:innenkonferenz (inkl. Lunch)" https://www.phys.ethz.ch/the-department/people/professors/pk-lunches.html |
Fri 23.05.2025 Add to calendar |
12:30 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum NO D 45 |
COPL 101 Lunch Seminar | ||
Caroline Dorn (ETH Zürich) "New insights into super-Earths and sub-Neptunes" https://copl.ethz.ch/events/details.new-insights-into-superearths-and-subneptunes.73656.html |
Fri 23.05.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00-17:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPH G 1 |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS (DK delegates only) "D-PHYS Departementskonferenz" |
Mon 26.05.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 Coffee & Cookies |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT J 43.1 |
CosmoClub Seminar | Host: Cosmology Group | |
Romain Teyssier (Princeton University) "hydrodynamical simulations, high-z galaxy formation, LSS (Euclid, LSST)" https://cosmology.ethz.ch/seminars/cosmoclub.html |
Mon 26.05.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 Coffee & Cookies |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT J 43.1 |
CosmoClub Seminar | Host: Cosmology Group | |
Lucio Mayer (University of Zurich) "galaxy formation, black holes astrophysics, LISA" https://cosmology.ethz.ch/seminars/cosmoclub.html |
Wed 28.05.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Tancrède Leger (Univ. of Lausanne) "tba" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Fri 30.05.2025 Add to calendar |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS / ETH Zürich "Ende Frühjahrssemester / End Spring Semester 2025" |
3.06-4.06 2025 Add to calendar |
8:00-20:00 | tba |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "D-PHYS Faculty Retreat 2025" |
Fri 6.06.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 Registration by Thursday, 14:30. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Bellavista |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "Bellavista Faculty lunch (members only, registration required)" |
Fri 20.06.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 Registration by Thursday, 14:30. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Bellavista |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "Bellavista Faculty lunch (members only, registration required)" |
Fri 20.06.2025 Add to calendar |
17:00-20:00 By registration only. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HG F 30 (Audimax) |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS "Masterfeier / MSc Graduation Ceremony" https://www.phys.ethz.ch/studies/masterfeier.html |