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Upcoming events at D-PHYS
Please communicate upcoming events to your administrative office for inclusion into the bulletin. Please direct questions concerning D-PHYS events to wobu@phys.ethz.ch
Mon 17.02.2025 Add to calendar |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS / ETH Zürich "Start Frühjahrssemester / Spring Semester 2025" |
Mon 17.02.2025 Add to calendar |
16:45 Apéro after the colloquium |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT H 42 |
The Zurich Theoretical Physics Colloquium | Host: Stoffer | |
Anna Hasenfratz (University of Colorado Boulder) "Symmetric Mass Generation: A New Paradigm" Abstract https://theorycolloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Tue 18.02.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT K 52 |
Seminar in Theoretical Physics | Host: Sigrist | |
Hirokazu Tsunetsugu (ISSP, University of Tokyo) "Moiré pattern of electric quadrupoles in a triangular lattice" |
Tue 18.02.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT K 52 |
Seminar in Theoretical Physics | Host: Sigrist | |
Masao Ogata (University of Tokyo) "Seebeck effects with phonon- and magnon-drag" |
Tue 18.02.2025 Add to calendar |
16:00-18:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 41.1 |
Seminar in Theoretical Physics | Host: Prof. Matthias Gaberdiel | |
Lorenz Eberhardt (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) "A microscopic description of dS3" Abstract |
Wed 19.02.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 41.1 |
Seminar in Theoretical Physics | Host: Defenu | |
Julian Schirrmeister (Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, TPI) "Asymptotic Safety and Metric-Affine Spacetimes" Abstract |
Wed 19.02.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Samuel Hammer (Univ. Heidelberg) "14CO2 as a Tool for Monitoring Carbon Cycle Changes" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Thu 20.02.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 41.1 |
Seminar in Theoretical Physics | Host: Carrasquilla Alvarez | |
Lei Wang (Institute of Physics, CAS, China) "Generative AI for it" Abstract |
Thu 20.02.2025 Add to calendar |
12:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 (Siemens Auditorium) |
COPL Colloquium | ||
Sara Seager (MIT) "Venus as a Potentially Habitable Planet" Abstract https://copl.ethz.ch/events/seminars/details.venus-as-a-potentially-habitable-planet.73360.html |
Fri 21.02.2025 Add to calendar |
10:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT H 42 |
Quantum Center Seminars | Host: Grange | |
Tim Bartley (University of Paderborn, Germany) "Cryogenic Integrated Optoelectronics for Photonic Quantum Technology" Abstract |
Fri 21.02.2025 Add to calendar |
12:30 | ETH Zürich, Zentrum NO D 45 |
COPL 101 Lunch Seminar | ||
Sara Seager (MIT) "Status on the Search for Exoplanet Biosignature Gases" Abstract https://copl.ethz.ch/details.status-on-the-search-for-exoplanet-biosignature-gases.73369.html |
Mon 24.02.2025 Add to calendar |
10:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPT H 4.2 |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS (RK members only) "D-PHYS Raumkommission" |
Mon 24.02.2025 Add to calendar |
13:00-18:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 41.1 |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS (members only) "D-PHYS Ausschuss" |
Tue 25.02.2025 Add to calendar |
9:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg TBC |
D-PHYS | Host: Quanz | |
D-PHYS (SK members only) "D-PHYS Strategiekommission" |
Tue 25.02.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
D-PHYS | Host: Huber | |
D-PHYS (BK members only) "D-PHYS Betriebskommission" |
Wed 26.02.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Adrien Delvoye (Univ. of Geneva) "Towards an archaeology of ancient domestic settlements in the megalithic region of Senegal and The Gambia (1st-2nd mill. CE): Preliminary results of the SNSF Project HOME" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 26.02.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Zurab Guguchia | |
Silvia Pappalardi (University of Cologne) "Free Probability approach to quantum dynamics" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch/ |
Fri 28.02.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00-13:45 Lunch by registration only. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 51 |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS (Professors) "Professor:innenkonferenz (inkl. Lunch)" https://www.phys.ethz.ch/the-department/people/professors/pk-lunches.html |
Fri 28.02.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00-17:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPH G 1 |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS (DK delegates only) "D-PHYS Departementskonferenz" |
Wed 5.03.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Andrej Maczkowski (Univ. of Berne) "8ka-2.6ka BP dendroarchaeology in the southwestern Balkans: state-of-the-art, and prospects of calendar-year dating" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 5.03.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Steven Johnson | |
Lara Benfatto (Sapienza University of Rome) "Coherent control of superconducting collective modes via THz pulses" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch/ |
Wed 12.03.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Lucia Winkler (Univ. of Jena) "Using a 14C tracer approach to measure CO2 fixation rates in groundwater" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 12.03.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Caroline Dorn | |
Paul Mollière (Max Planck Institut für Astronomie) "Clouds and weather in exoplanet atmospheres" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Fri 14.03.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 Registration by Thursday, 14:30. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Bellavista |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "Bellavista Faculty lunch (members only, registration required)" |
Tue 18.03.2025 Add to calendar |
11:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Photonics Seminar | Host: Novotny | |
James Millen (Department of Physics, King's College London, UK) "Neuromorphic detection and control of arrays of microparticles" Abstract |
Wed 19.03.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00-14:30 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Esther Thomasius (LIP) "New compact air sampler: Graphitize CO2 from waste incineration plant emissions for radiocarbon analysis " https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 19.03.2025 Add to calendar |
14:30-15:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Simona Staub (LIP) "Multi-proxy tree-ring dating around the Older Dryas" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 19.03.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Daniela Rupp | |
Nathalie Picqué (Max Born Institute, Berlin, Germany) "Frequency Comb Interferometry" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch/ |
Wed 26.03.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Anne Sofie Sondergaard (LIP) "A North Greenland-wide in-situ cosmogenic 14C ice sheet chronology" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 26.03.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Atac Imamoglou | |
Vahid Sandoghdar (M. Planck Inst. for the Sci of Light/ Zentrum für Physik und Medizin) "Bridging Quantum Optics to Basic Medical Research" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Fri 28.03.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 Registration by Thursday, 14:30. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Bellavista |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "Bellavista Faculty lunch (members only, registration required)" |
Mon 31.03.2025 Add to calendar |
16:45-18:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Laser Seminar | Host: Gallmann | |
Hanieh Fattahi (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen) "Femtosecond Fieldoscopy" Abstract |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Kerstin Treydte (WSL) "Oxygen isotopes in tree rings as atmospheric moisture proxies" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 2.04.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Caroline Dorn | |
Eve J. Lee (UC San Diego) "Small planet formation" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Wed 9.04.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Silvan Wigger (LIP) "Boron-10 suppression in low energy Beryllium-10 AMS" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Fri 11.04.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 Registration by Thursday, 14:30. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Bellavista |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "Bellavista Faculty lunch (members only, registration required)" |
Wed 16.04.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Dominik Koll (Dresden Univ. of Technology) "Interstellar Radionuclide Deposition on Earth: When, Where and How Much?" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 16.04.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Ben Kilminster | |
Rainer Wallny, Gino Isidori (ETHZ, UZH) "Quo Vadis High Energy Particle Physics - The Update of the European Strategy by CERN" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Fri 25.04.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 Registration by Thursday, 14:30. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Bellavista |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "Bellavista Faculty lunch (members only, registration required)" |
Wed 30.04.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 Special Condensed Matter Seminar |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Schrödinger Colloquium | Host: Prof. Atac Imamoglu | |
Prof. Hakan Tureci (Princeton, USA) "tba" |
Wed 30.04.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
David Frank (Univ. of Arizona) "tba" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 30.04.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Tomas Bzdusek | |
Ana Akrap (University of Zagreb, Croatia) "Landau level spectroscopy & topological materials" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Fri 2.05.2025 Add to calendar |
10:45-12:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Host: Imamoglu | ||
Ben Feldman (Stanford Physics Department, Stanford University, California, USA) "Mapping topological and magnetic transitions in semiconductor moiré materials" Abstract |
Wed 7.05.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Aaron Lehnert (Univ. of Hannover) "Blue light, what does it do? – Updates on resonant ionisation mass spectrometry" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 7.05.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Tilman Esslinger | |
Nathan Goldman (Collège de France, Intern. Solvay Inst and Univ Libre de Bruxelles) "Correlated topological matter: news and views from quantum simulation" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |
Fri 9.05.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Condensed Matter Seminar | Host: Atac Imamoglu | |
Xiaodong Xu (University of Washington, Dept. of Physics) "tba" Abstract |
Fri 9.05.2025 Add to calendar |
12:00 Registration by Thursday, 14:30. |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg Bellavista |
D-PHYS | ||
D-PHYS Faculty "Bellavista Faculty lunch (members only, registration required)" |
Tue 13.05.2025 Add to calendar |
11:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 |
Host: Huber | ||
D-PHYS (BK members only) "D-PHYS Betriebskommission" |
Wed 14.05.2025 Add to calendar |
14:00 | ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24.2 |
Ion Beam Physics Seminar | Host: Christl | |
Claudia Cancellieri (EMPA) "Characterization of thin oxides and their interfaces with ion beam techniques" https://ams.ethz.ch/education/seminar/program.html |
Wed 14.05.2025 Add to calendar |
16:15 Aperitif served after the talk |
ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 |
The Zurich Physics Colloquium | Host: Alexander Eichler | |
Gary Steele (Quantum Nanosc. Dept. Delft Univ of Techn., Kavli Inst of Nanosc. Delf) "Parametric Phenomena in Superconducting Quantum Devices" Abstract https://colloquium.phys.ethz.ch |