Femtosecond quantum spin dynamics at the edges of the Brillouin zone in antiferromagnets


Date 12.07.2017
Time 16:45-18:00
  • ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg
  • HPF G 6
Speaker Davide Bossini
Area of expertise Physics
Host Dep. Physik
Contact Johnson
Abstract The investigation of the interaction between femtosecond laser pulses and magnetic materials has already revealed the tremendous potential of this approach for the ultrafast manipulation of spins[1,2]. In particular, the all - optical control of the magnetic order in antiferromagnets has become relevant, given the recent surge of interest in this class of materials for spintronics purposes. The peculiarity of l aser pulses, when compared to other stimuli, consists in the possibility to excite, manipulate and detect spin excitations on the femtosecond timescale which meets the requirement for ever - faster approaches to the control of magnets. However, the collectiv e spin excitations photoinduced hitherto in antiferromagnets are limited to low - wavevector magnons, which are the lowest - frequency modes in the dispersion of a typical antiferromagnet[1,3 - 5]. Recently the highest - frequency modes, which are magnons with wav evector near the edges of the Brillouin zone, have been impulsively photo - excited via a coherent light - scattering approach[6]. Remarkably, a complete manipulation of the phase and amplitude of coherent magnons with frequency equal to 22 THz and 1 nm wavele ngth (i.e. femto - nanomagnons ) was achieved[6]. Even more excitingly, further investigation of the femto - nanomagnonics regime demonstrated that it has little in common with the conventional spin dynamics triggered by nearly - zero - wavevector magnons . The classical thermodynamic concepts commonly employed in the description of magnetic dynamics critically do not hold in this newly discovered regime. This observation called for the development of a novel theoretical quantum - mechanical framework, based on magnonic coherent states. A proper equation of motion was derived within our model; in addition some intruiging predictions of our formalism suggest that the photo - generated magnons are intrinsically entangled[7].
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