Spin-orbital frustration in Mott insulators


Date 27.04.2017
Time 16:45-18:00
  • ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg
  • HPF G 6
Speaker George Jackeli
Area of expertise Physics
Host Dep. Physik
Contact Zheludev
Abstract In Mott insulators, unquenched orbital degrees of freedom often frustrate the magnetic interactions and lead to a plethora of interesting phases with unusual spin patterns or non-magnetic states without long-range order. I will review from this perspective the theoretical concepts and experimental data on late transition metal compounds, mostly focusing on iridates. In the second part, I will present our recent theoretical study of interplay of spin and orbital degrees in double-perovskite compounds with spin one-half ions occupying the frustrated fcc sublattice, such as molybdenum and osmium oxides. I will argue that this interplay might lead to a rich variety of the phases that include non-collinear ordered patterns with or without net moment, and, most remarkably, non-magnetic disordered spin-orbit dimer state.
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